St John post Irma credible non-profits and news sources

There are so many ‘false’ stories (exaggerated statements) that are not helping the situation on St John. CBS, Washington Post, Boston Globe all ran very negative and, actually very unhelpful pieces today (Sept 13). News of St John (Jenn, the founder) wrote on her Facebook page a very heated post (understandably having lived through the horrific hurricane) and her post (which was refuted by credible sources like St John Community Foundation) went viral stateside despite many false statements and on Facebook further fanning unhelpful flames. The recovery effort is now underway with many St Johnian's doing amazingly wonderful things while working non-stop. From all reports St John Community Foundation seems to be the St John organization dealing with recovery services (Red Cross, FEMA, and others) and St John Rescue is the St John organization working with search and rescue groups such as Operation Dirt, FEMA, the military, and others).  Major changes are happening on a daily basis. Roads are being cleared, food & water being delivered and distributed.

Not all posts — even from these sources — will be true, however using your good judgment, we should be able to get a feel of what is actually going on from these sources.

Stay tuned, please, and spread the word that while the island took a huge hit it is already working to rebuild and rebound and with everyone’s help will do just that!

Thanks all!

Credible St John NGOs involved in recovery (please support these organizations with your donations):

St John Community FoundationSt. John Community Foundation - Home | Facebook

St John Rescue

Credible ’news’ sources:

St John Source

St Thomas Source

wapa workers

wapa workers

Help Pouring In to St. John (Sept 12) by St John resident Amy Roberts Help continues to pour in to St. John, including a military contingent that came ashore, accompanied by a FEMA official with experience in rebuilding after a hurricane....

Virgin Islands Consortium

Credible Facebook groups:

Stateside St Johnians Alliance for Hurricane Irma - Facebook group